The Language of Kushan
Articles, Adjectives, and Adverbs
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Articles, Adjectives, and Adverbs
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There is a definite and indefinite article for every gender, and also for the plural.  When using the nominative, partitive, or genitive cases, use these articles before the word:
                       Definite         Indefinite
Living               tsor                  or
Non-Living       tso                   o
Concept            tsosh               osh
Plural                tsosh               osh
When using the accusative, dative, or locative, use these:
                       Definite           Indefinite
Living              tsar                  ar
Non-Living      tsa                   a
Concept            tsash               ash
Plural                tsash               ash
The plural indefinite articles are equivalent to "some" or "any."

Adjectives have to agree based on gender, number, and case.  They always follow the word they modify, and always end in a consonant.  If they already end in the letter that agrees with the noun, leave the adjective alone.
                     Nom./Part./Gen.            Acc./Dat./Loc.
Living                  -or                               -ar
Non-Living          -o                                -a
Concept               -osh                            -ash
Plural                   -ol                               -al
To form comparisons, do the following:
Comparitive:  Add the particle do just before the adjective.
Superlative:  Add the particle dola just before the adjective.

Adverbs are formed by adding the ending -arra to the end of an adjective.  To form comparisons, use the same rules as for adjectives. 
Adverbs must also agree with their verb in person and number:
-1st or 2nd person, singular: -s
-1st or 2nd person, plural: -z
-3rd person- no ending